煙草在線專稿 前些日子,幾個喜好音樂的年輕同事利用中午休息時間,每天都在單位活動中心練習Beyond的歌,聽起來還頗有鏗鏘及渴望的味道。我是不大喜歡聽
近日,奧馳亞集團以約27.5億美元收購了NJOY控股有限公司,這是奧馳亞集團推進“超越吸煙”(moving beyond smoking)戰略
據來自PR?Newswire的消息,近期,Poda健康生活有限公司已在加拿大、美國、英國和歐洲為其封閉型加熱不燃燒卷煙產品PODA Pods申請了“Beyond Burn
因此,在其提高卷煙產品的稅率之后,Red Beyond萬寶路和Gold Beyond萬寶路的零售價格,將從原來的32摩洛哥元/包(盒
a review of the fiscal policy for 2013 and beyond.
"So far it has created serious problems because
by a relevant, engraved caricature in each corner. Beyond just protecting the lighter and offering a beautiful
to the brand’s native country of Cuba beyond its name, as the seeds which sprouted its leaves were developed
不完整的。沒錯,你還可以在那里抽茄。They say that no family business lasts beyond the third generation, but don
:奧馳亞已收購袋裝口含煙“on!”剩余20%的股權,從而擁有了“on!”的全部所有權,這是奧馳亞在“超越吸煙”(Moving Beyond
to introduce an e-cigarette in an industry-wide effort to diversify beyond the traditional cigarette