尼加拉瓜的雪茄制造商阿加諾薩煙葉(Aganorsa Leaf)公司把至尊葉(Supreme Leaf )產品線中的老款羅布圖停產,換成一款更粗尺寸的羅布圖,這是產品線的第五個尺寸。零售商有望在下個月收到這個新品。
Nicaraguan cigarmaker Aganorsa Leaf has deleted one robusto from its Supreme Leaf line and added another. The new robusto is a thicker version of the original, bringing Supreme Leaf to five sizes in total. Retailers can expect to receive shipments of the cigar next month.
“Demand for Supreme Leaf continues to grow,” stated Terence Reilly, vice president of sales and marketing for Aganorsa Leaf. “We selected a robusto vitola just as we did for the original release, however, we changed the ring gauge to 54 from 52. It’s always interesting to see how subtle changes create different nuances in flavor and aroma.”
Like the previous releases of Supreme Leaf, the new robusto will be made entirely from tobaccos grown on the Aganorsa farms in Nicaragua, including the Corojo ’99 wrapper.
The Supreme Leaf Robusto comes in 10-count boxes and has a suggested retail price of $11.50 each.
For a rating on the new size, see a future issue of Cigar Insider.
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