煙草在線據APP報道編譯 菲莫國際因在包括《先驅報》、《巴基斯坦新聞周刊》和《快遞論壇報》等周刊雜志主流平媒上刊登整版煙草廣告,違反了法律規定而被處以罰款。
法庭根據控煙法律對菲莫判處罰金5000盧比。巴基斯坦控煙聯盟“國家協調員”成員Khurram Hashmi表示,這是第一個針對煙草業巨頭的亞洲案件。
作為對“控煙小組協調員”組織提出報告的回應,巴基斯坦的海德拉巴市地方民事法官受理了此案。海德拉巴地方民事法官Ahmed Nawaz Domki在判決中說道,很明顯,被告違反了法律,而煙草公司不可能對法律一無所知。
Up in smoke: Philip Morris fined for publishing ads
Published: April 11, 2012
ISLAMABAD: Philip Morris has been fined for publishing full page advertisements in leading magazines including Herald, Newsweek Pakistan and the weekly magazine of The Express Tribune among others in violation of laws.
The advertisement campaign of its cigarette brand Marlboro cost Philip Morris approximately Rs50 million, according to Pakistan Today.
The court imposed a fine of Rs5,000 as per the tobacco control laws. This case was the first-ever against a tobacco giant in Asia, said National Coordinator, Coalition for Tobacco Control-Pakistan, Khurram Hashmi.
The industry is not allowed to place advertisements in print media which are more than one square inch, according to section 7 of Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-Smokers Health Ordinance 2002.
Hasmi said the tobacco industry for quite some time has been blatantly violating the laws by covertly offering cash rebates to its consumers, however, the tobacco control cell showed its commitment to the cause when it took a firm stand on this blatant violation and dragged the tobacco company in the court.
The Civil Magistrate Hyderabad took up the case in response to a report lodged by Tobacco Control Cell Coordinator. Civil Magistrate Hyderabad, Ahmed Nawaz Domki in his order said it was clear that the accused had violated the law and ignorance of the law was no excuse.
"In just a decade's time, we are already far ahead of countries in our region by introducing and implementing tobacco control laws. We were among the first ones to introduce 'Pictorial Health Warnings' on cigarette packs in this region and now, we set yet another example as being first for making the company accountable," Hashmi added.
This is the second setback suffered by the second largest cigarette manufacturer this year as Philip Morris Pakistan reduced the operations in its smallest factory, located in Mandra, near Rawalpindi due to financial constraints.
The company posted net loss of Rs284 million for the first three quarters of the year, ending September 30, 2011.
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